DOI's number assigned to wrong Profile


This DOI number 10.29388/978-65-86678-91-8-0-f.239-252 should be
assigned to my author name “TONIDANDEL, S.”, however, it was assigned
to another author named “TONIDANDEL, S. M. R.”.
Please, could you help me resolve this problem?

Regards, Sandra

Hi Sandra,

Thanks for your message.

All DOI metadata is provided to us by our publisher members. Crossref does not update, edit, or correct publisher-provided metadata directly.

I have reached out to our contacts at Navegando Publicacoes and ABEC - publisher and sponsor of DOI 10.29388/978-65-86678-91-8-0-f.239-252 - and asked them to correct the typo in your name in the contributor metadata. You may wish to contact the publisher directly as well, for the fastest possible response.

My best,