Crossref Services
References Reference linking enables researchers to follow a link from the reference list to other full-text documents, helping them to make connections and discover new things. Funder Registry The Crossref Funder Registry is an open registry of grant-giving organization names and identifiers, which you use to find funder IDs and include them as part of your metadata deposits. It is a freely-downloadable RDF file. It is CC0-licensed and available to integrate with your own systems. Members contribute by depositing the funding acknowledgements from their publications as part of their standard metadata, together with the unique funder IDs listed in our Funder Registry. Similarity Check Our Similarity Check service helps Crossref members prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism by providing immediate feedback regarding a manuscript’s similarity to other published academic and general web content, through reduced-rate access to the iThenticate text comparison software from Turnitin. Event Data Publisher metadata is one side of the story surrounding research outputs, but conversations, connections and activities that build further around scholarly research, takes place all over the web. We built Event Data to capture, record and make available these ‘Events’ - providing open, transparent, and traceable information about the provenance and context of every Event. Events are comments, links, shares, bookmarks, references, etc. ORCID Integrations An ORCID iD is a unique identifier for an individual. It allows everyone to identify the work that you do, and accurately attribute it. Crossref integrates with ORCID in several ways: When members register their content with Crossref, if an ORCID iD is included in the metadata we can automatically update the author’s ORCID record on publication. You can also find and add your works to your ORCID profile by using Crossref metadata search. Cited-by Researchers cite other people’s work to acknowledge the material they used when writing their own paper. It’s useful to see which articles go on to cite the paper you’re reading, and how it may have built on or challenged its ideas. Crossmark The Crossmark button gives readers quick and easy access to the current status of an item of content, including any corrections, retractions, or updates to that record.