Submitting via curl or java to test - working examples?

We are new to CrossRef and are trying to figure out how to submit our data.
I managed to get xml that passes when I submit it via the test website, but I find a working example that submits via http post, which is our requirement.

I have tried the examples on the web pages:
from: (
java -jar crossref-upload-tool.jar --user myid mypwd --host --metadata crtest.xml

I have also tried the similar call from curl from
curl -F 'operation=doMDUpload' -F 'login_id=myid' -F 'login_passwd=mypwd' -F 'fname=crtest.xml'

Both of them output the same thing, which appears to be a login webpage!

I can’t seem to get an answer from Crossref support, so for the moment our Crossref development has come to a standstil!

Here is the output from the java submission

2021-07-19 09:51:25.065+0900 INFO uploading to
2021-07-19 09:51:25.081+0900 INFO uploading submission: file=crtest.xml (doMDUpload)
2021-07-19 09:51:26.348+0900 INFO uploaded submission: file=crtest.xml


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That looks like it could be because a test account has not been created for your username yet. Test accounts are not created by default and would need to be created by us upon request.

If you can email us at with your prefix and username we will get one setup for you.


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But I can use the same account from the domain website and upload and test xml (I did say that in the question)

So what needs to be done then?


Sorry, I missed that you had manually been able to login to the test account and deposit the file to us. Do you login to the test account using an email address and password or shared role credentials and password?

If you are using an email address then you would need to use the format in the login_id= section.


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FWIW the curl command works when you add the @ sign in front of the filename - something which was not clear to me from the docs.

curl -F 'operation=doMDUpload' -F 'login_id=<EMAIL>/<ROLE>' -F 'login_passwd=<PASSWD>' -F 'fname=@<FILENAME>'

Replace the <VARIABLE> bits.


Thanks @chartgerink for adding that tip. It is in the example in the documentation but not as clear as it should be so we will make some changes to that page. Thanks for alerting us to that.


Hi @chartgerink,

Thanks again for this suggestion. We have updated the documentation with a note in hopes that this clarifies this going forward. You can see the update here: XML deposit using HTTPS POST - Crossref

My best,

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