Hi Folks,
I’m having no problem submitting DOI registrations and receiving email confirmations using HTTPS Post, but I’m not receiving any error pages or email messages when I submit to the test site. I’ve updated the certificates on our server. Is there anything else I should do to get a response from the Test site? Thanks,
Hi @mpalmquist ,
What is your DOI prefix and/or Crossref username?
We only enable access to the test admin tool by request from each member, as very few of our members use the test admin tool. I suspect that may be the issue.
Actually I also noticed this - the emails are no longer sent (the last one I received was on April 4 and I have submitted six times since then to the test system). I wasn’t very concerned because I’ve always thought that sending XML in an email is a really strange way to communicate information.
I was only able to check on the status of my test DOI registrations at the test console https://0-test-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/ The user interface for that system is … uh … also in need of some work. You have to navigate to “Submission administration” and then hit search on an empty form. I haven’t figured out how to poll for status of a submission using an API. If that was available then I could build my own UI in our system.
I understand that the crossref organization is stretched pretty thin, but some of us might be able to help if it was run more as an open source project. It might make sense for a community-based organization.
Hi @mccurley and @mpalmquist ,
Are you now receiving those emails? I re-enabled the notifications late yesterday. That’s usually the most straightforward fix for the most straightforward of email-notification-related problems. If you have not yet received the notifications, I’ll need to get this in front of our technical team to determine the larger problem.
Not yet. I created a test DOI and haven’t this morning. So far, no response (and, of course, it would have arrived by now). Thanks, though.
Hello again @mpalmquist ,
I have been able to replicate this in the test system. I have written up a ticket with our technical team who is investigating.
More as I have it,
Hi @mpalmquist ,
We have restarted the machine responsible for sending those email notifications. You should receive your missing test email notifications shortly.
Thanks. The restart did the trick. All of the test messages have made their way to my inbox.
I really appreciate your help.
Glad I could help! Thanks for flagging this to us.