I am trying to include a paragraph of abstract in an XML upload. Namespaces are
<doi_batch version=“5.3.0” xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”
xsi:schemaLocation=“http://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schema/5.3.0 https://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schemas/crossref5.3.0.xsd”
xmlns=“http://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schema/5.3.0” xmlns:jats=“http://0-www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.libus.csd.mu.edu/JATS1”>
My code to include the abstract is
jats:pAround 350 users and some 200 … bla bla … </jats:p>
This gives the following error on upload
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element ‘jats:abstract’. One of ‘{“http://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schema/5.3.0”:citation_list}’ is expected.
What’s wrong please?
Just to be clear - the opening tags are in reality enclosed in < … > .
The deposit and error message can be seen here https://0-doi-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/servlet/submissionAdmin?sf=detail&submissionID=1677100787
Thanks Neil
HI Neil,
Thanks for the forum message.
This is our schema requirement for report papers here Schema documentation for crossref5.3.1.xsd
As per this schema guide, you had placed the abstract element in the wrong part of the XML file, hence the deposit failing.
Please refer below for the correct version of where you need to have placed the abstract metadata in your XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch version="5.3.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schema/5.3.0 https://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schemas/crossref5.3.0.xsd"
xmlns="http://0-www-crossref-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/schema/5.3.0" xmlns:jats="http://0-www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.libus.csd.mu.edu/JATS1">
<report-paper_metadata language="en">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<title>Schlumberger iDiscover Forum 2002</title>
<jats:p>Around 350 users and some 200 Schlumberger folks attended Schlumbergers
European Forum ... </jats:p>
<publication_date media_type="online">
<publisher_name>Oil IT Journal</publisher_name>
<publisher_place>Sevres, France</publisher_place>
<identifier id_type="report-number">SchlumbergerMadrid2002.pdf</identifier>
Note: I have excluded the registrant name and email from above for privacy reasons.
Do let us know if you have any additional questions.
That’s phenomenal ! many thanks