Metadata search issue

Hi there,

I tried to use metadata search bar by using some DOIs, but the site is showing default backend - 404 for all DOI searchings.

What’s going on there?

Here are some DOIs I was using:

Hello @cyan,

Thanks for the post.

We had an intermittent issue this morning in the search tool but that has since been fixed. You should be able to search successfully again.

If you have further issues then do let me know.

Thank you,

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply, and we did successful searchings now.

However, the result of a DOI is messed up. I couldn’t attach a screenshot here, please use the DOI: 10.47852/bonviewGLCE3202887 to check.

The authors and there organizations are not ordered. They should be Author’s name | Organization | Author’s name | Organization … but now it’s showing Author’s name | Author’s name | Organization | Organization…

And I also confused about the the date following JOURNAL ARTICLE. Is this the date when the article published in an issue or the date when it published online at first?

Looking for your response.


Hi @cyan,

Your post caught my eye so allow me to jump in here.

The reason for the unusual author list on that DOI is that the article has a number of institutional contributors alongside human contributors - so in other words, the organizations you see listed in the search result are registered as being authors themselves, rather than being the affiliations of authors. You can see what this looks like in our REST API under the "author" tag:

Edit: Having had a closer look at this I should add: since the same institution appears multiple times in the author list, this is likely to be an error in how the metadata has been registered by the publisher of the article rather than a true case of institutional contributors. Unfortunately we can’t address this for you directly as we don’t make these kinds of changes to our members’ metadata - the publisher would need to redeposit the article metadata with the correct author list.

In the REST API result linked above you can also see that 4 May 2023 is the online publication date. As there is no print publication date registered for this article, we use the online publication date instead. (But I take your point about how it could be useful to indicate in the user interface whether the displayed date is that of online or print publication!)

Many thanks,

Hi Lena,

Thanks for your clarify.

So how should we do as a publisher to redeposit the article metadata in order to appear a correct author list?

We have tried deposited them like one name along with one institution, one name along with one institution and so on, but the list still performs out of sequence.

Many thanks,

Dear @cyan,

Thank you for explaining that you represent the publisher - that’s great because it means you’ll be able to address the issue.

I’ve had a look at the metadata deposits for some of the DOIs you mentioned. It appears that they were registered using our Web Deposit Form, which helps explain what happened here:

While we do have an “affiliation” element in our metadata schema, this is unfortunately not available on the Web Deposit Form. The form allows you to add organizations as “organization contributors”, but not as affiliations for “person contributors”. It only accepts roles, names, and ORCID iDs as fields for a human author (person contributor). The affiliation for each author was most likely entered into the “organization contributor” fields and thereby added to the metadata as institutional authors.

To fix this, the metadata for the affected DOIs will need to be redeposited without the “organization contributors”. If you use the Web Deposit Form for this, it will mean that only the roles, names, and ORCID iDs of the authors can be included in the metadata. If you wish to include author affiliations, at this time, you’ll need to generate your own XML metadata deposit files directly, rather than using the form.

The good news is that we are are planning to release a new interface for registering journal articles later this year, which will allow you to look up contributor affiliations in the ROR database and include them in the registered metadata.

Best wishes,

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Your explanation is very helpful!

Thanks a lot,

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