Issue regarding "DOI NOT FOUND"

Hope everyone is doing well.
The problem that we encounter:
While searching any article with the DOI, it is shown an error. There are 86 articles in our journal, but only one is figuring out properly with DOI link.

the DOI prefix: 10.62304

Properly showing:

Not showing
There are 84 other articles with same issue.

Can you help us for that?

Hello, and thanks for your question.

If your DOIs haven’t been registered, that can only mean one of two things.

  1. Either you never submitted the metadata deposit(s) to register those DOIs

  2. Or, you submitted the metadata deposit(s), but they failed due to some kind of XML formatting or metadata discrepancy error.

If you believe you have submitted metadata deposits to register the missing DOIs, please provide me with the submission ID numbers or copy of the submission logs for those deposits. Each should contain a relevant error message that points to why the deposit failed to register your DOIs. I’ll be happy to investigate further, with that information.

I may be wrong here, but it looks like your journal is published using PKP’s OJS software. If that’s the case, then there may be a problem with the settings in your Crossref XML Export Plugin. As a first step, please refer to the OJS documentation for that plugin.


Dear Shayn, Thank You very much for your reply.

I am receiving following meta data after completion of successful deposition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<doi_batch_diagnostic status=“completed” sp=“ds3.crossreforg”>
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “28342739” has already been assigned, issn (28342739) is assigned to another title (GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL OF ARTS LITERATURE HISTORY & EDUCATION)

Can You please give me more insights regarding of this problem?
It has become an urgent case from our side.

Dear Shyan,

I have figured out our core problem.
Title of our journal is “GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL”, instead “GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL OF ARTS LITERATURE HISTORY & EDUCATION” is issued under the issn (28342739) number due to some reason.

Can you please share the procedure to issue “GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL” under the the issn (28342739) number?

Thank you for those details.

When you first deposit metadata for a given journal, the journal-level metadata (journal title, ISSN(s), journal-level DOI if you choose to include one, and the publisher/DOI prefix) are used to form a title record for that journal in our system. All future deposits for that journal must match that title record exactly.

The title in our system based on your previous metadata deposits is:

The title in your recent attempted metadata deposit is:

So, that explains why the deposit failed.

Are you saying that you’re going to resubmit the metadata with the journal title as just “GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL” going forward?

I’ve made that change to our title record. Just be sure to only enter the journal title as “GLOBAL MAINSTREAM JOURNAL” in all your metadata deposits with ISSN 28342739.


Thank You very much, Shayn. Our problem is solved successfully with our desired expectation.
We were worried about the probable solution.
You have solved the issue the way we are wanted to!

Thank You very much for your cooperation and support in the last 2-3 days



I have submitted my journal DOIs but, none of all are able. The message in each one is:

DOI Not Found


This DOI cannot be found in the DOI System. Possible reasons are:

  • The DOI is incorrect in your source. Search for the item by name, title, or other metadata using a search engine.
  • The DOI was copied incorrectly. Check to see that the string includes all the characters before and after the slash and no sentence punctuation marks.
  • The DOI has not been activated yet. Please try again later, and report the problem if the error continues.

Dont know what to do.

Hello there @RANAR ,

The account associated with DOI prefix 10.61914 is active and in good standing, so that’s not the problem.

I see a failed submission made to us on 2024-December-24. This one:

The issue here is that the journal title that included in this submission does not match the journal title previously registered for this journal.

The journal title previously registered and associated with ISSN 2314369X is: Revista AgronĂłmica del Noroeste Argentino

The journal title included in this registration for ISSN 2314369X is: Facultad de AgronomĂ­a, Zootecnia y Veterinaria - Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn

Since those titles do not match, we failed the registration attempt in submission 1663094815.

I have modified the journal title in our system for ISSN 2314369X to Facultad de AgronomĂ­a, Zootecnia y Veterinaria - Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn and have successfully reprocessed your submission. The five DOIs in your submission have now been registered.

Warm regards,

Hello and thanxs @ifarley for resolving the mistake.

For next submissions the correct Journal name must be Revista AgronĂłmica del Noroeste Argentino (ISSN 2314369X). Is that possible to be normalized?

Hello @RANAR ,

The journal title should not change over time. Our system isn’t designed to accommodate multiple journal titles under the same ISSN. DOIs are really citation identifiers and having multiple titles in the record comprises our ability to match to one definitive journal title.

I have modified the journal title in our system for ISSN 2314369X back to: Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino. We’ll leave that title in our records going forward.

Warm regards,

Yes, thank you.

Dont know why the mistake was made but we´ll be careful next time.

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