I’m a new member, how can I register the content of a jounral including issues and articles,

I want to register a journal, our institute is a publisher and we registered the institute and take a prefix ,the first step is to register a journal which has a more than 90 issues each one has at least 10 -15 articles.

I understand that i should register entries for first the journal then the isssue then the articles,
but I am not sure what are the mandetory metadata field that i should prepared for each ,and can i prepare an excel sheet or should it be only xml files, and if i need to prepare xml files i should have three xml files ? one having the journal and one having all issues and one having all articles? or should i provide xml file for each entry it is not clear for me

Hello Mtbaileh,

Many thanks for your email.

If you are not well versed on how to construct XML files, then you can use the web deposit form tool to register your content. The web deposit form is a helper tool comprising of online forms with different fields for you to complete, and this information is converted to XML and deposited with Crossref for you.

The steps to take to register DOIs via the web deposit form are:

  1. Go to Crossref - Web Deposit Form

  2. Select the Journal data type

  3. Enter the Journal and Issue level metadata on the first page of the form. At minimum this includes: Journal title, abbreviated journal title, ISSN(s), and at least one publication year (print or online). If applicable, also enter issue number, volume number, and full publication dates.
    [Journal DOI and Issue DOI are optional. If you don’t wish to deposit Journal-level and Issue-level DOIs, simply leave these fields as well as Journal URL and Issue URL empty. Keep in mind that, if you do deposit a Journal DOI, it refers to the journal as a whole, and therefore cannot change in future deposits]

  4. Select ‘Add Articles’

  5. On the second page of the form, enter the metadata for your first article (article title, authors, page numbers if available), the article DOI, and article URL

  6. Click ‘Add Another Article’

  7. Continue to enter article metadata, DOIs, and URLs until you’ve entered all articles for the given issue.

  8. Click ‘Finish’

  9. Enter your username and password and click Login

  10. Enter your email address and click ‘Deposit’

We also have a web deposit form video tutorial and full instructions for using the web deposit form in our documentation.

Tech Support Team - Crossref

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Thank you for your reply.
Related to the form ,you mentioned above .It is a form to fill it for each issue right? and for each issue I need to fill the title of the journal right? and then i will add articles?And the system will identify that these articles and issues are related to the same journal from the title i filled?
or i can first register the journal git the DOI of it?

My question about the Issue DOI or the Journal DOI> I understand that I should recieve doi “suffix” for each article .you mentioned that i can fill these fields ,but with what ?shall I create a suffix and fill it?and I leave them empty .what will happen? will I revieve a file having the articles with the DOIs given by Crossref to fill them in my website?

What’s the costs will involve to register a journal?

Hello @Hal ,

You can review our membership and content registration fees here: Fees - Crossref

Warm regards,

Yes, that’s correct. You can register a journal DOI and use that in your submissions of the web deposit form, but it is not a requirement.

My question about the Issue DOI or the Journal DOI> I understand that I should recieve doi “suffix” for each article .you mentioned that i can fill these fields ,but with what ?shall I create a suffix and fill it?and I leave them empty .what will happen? will I revieve a file having the articles with the DOIs given by Crossref to fill them in my website?

Issue- and journal-level DOIs are entirely optional. If you don’t want to register these DOIs, you may leave those fields in the web deposit form blank. Issue-level DOIs are always optional. If you choose not to register a journal-level DOI, you must provide an ISSN in your registration. So, as long as you include an ISSN, you may leave the journal-level DOI field blank. I recommend leaving the issue- and journal-level DOI fields in the web deposit form blank in your case.

Like all DOIs registered with Crossref, we provide you with the prefix and you create and register the suffix. Crossref doesn’t assign DOIs to your content for you. Instead, we assign you a DOI prefix (a string of numbers beginning “10.” and followed by a slash “/”) and you assign your own DOIs by using that prefix and creating a suffix (any string of numbers, letters, and/or certain allowed punctuation marks following the prefix and “/”). Your DOI suffix can be any alphanumeric string, using the approved characters “a-z”, “A-Z”, “0-9” and “-._;()/”.

To review our suggested best practices for establishing DOI suffix pattern, please see the following document:

Warm regards,