Allowing members to update their own resource resolution URLs in bulk

Today’s a day to celebrate; a day I get to make an exciting announcement; the day that finally puts to bed a bottleneck and helps us remove the potential for human error, like we saw in this example from last year.

Yes, I’m talking about handing the keys for making your own bulk resource resolution URL updates over to you!

As you may know, we previously only allowed self-service bulk resource resolution URL updates through full metadata deposits. For those of you registering your DOIs through our helper tools (e.g., the web deposit form), this meant that if you made a typo, you’d need to either resubmit all of the metadata to us or send an email to to ask us to make the correction for you. Or, for members with a great deal of content, you may have found that a simple .txt file update of your resource resolution URLs after a platform migration or title ownership transfer would have been less resource intensive than a complete resubmission.

Long ago, we created an internal mechanism for us, the technical support team, to update these URLs with your request; and, we’ve been eager to transform this mechanism so you could make these updates yourself.

Here. We. Are.

We quietly released this into the world a few weeks ago and have been testing with real-world examples since. We have recently updated our documentation ( to reflect these changes. I’m also including these instructions below, should you need them.

If you only have a few URLs to update, you can just resubmit your record.

If you have a long list of URLs that need updating (for example, you’ve just finished a platform migration, or you’ve acquired a new title), you can do a bulk resource URL update. Create a tab-separated list (formatted as a text (.txt) file) of DOIs and their new URLs, and apply the following header:


where is your email address and 10.xxxx is the owner prefix for the DOIs you’re updating.

Only DOIs of the same owning prefix may be updated together using this header. For example, if you have DOIs against two owning prefixes, you’ll need to separate your submissions and use the appropriate 10.xxxx prefix for each set of your DOIs.

This is what your tab-separated list should look like:


You can upload the file to the admin tool or use the upload tool. To use the admin tool, login and navigate to Submissions>Upload. Upload your file, choose “DOI change” as the Type, and click Upload.

If you have more than 3,000 URLs to update, you should break them into smaller files. The file upload size limit for this operation is 400 KB.

We can provide a list of your existing DOIs and URLs if needed.

For your next bulk resource resolution URL update, we’d love for you to try this new process. Yourself.

My best,



Congrats! This is a great start to allow faster fixes when content migrates. But…

Are you planning on extending this functionality also allow members to update de resource element used by the SimilarityCheck Crawler bots (see below)?


Luciano Panepucci

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Hi @LPaneBR,

Thanks for that follow-up question. We have an existing, while different, mechanism for self-service bulk updates of Similarity Check full-text URLs. Instructions for updating Similarity Check full-text URLs is available here: Web deposit form - Crossref

Take a look and let me know if you have any additional questions,


Hi @ifarley ,
Super belatedly, thank you! That really helped a lot!!


I made a txt file using your method. Is it correct? Can I transfer you the file, to check it ?
What’s more, I’d like to know if I can upload this txt file a few days before our magazine site goes online (because I’il go on holiday before the production) ? These are the new URLs declared in the file. We’re sure they’re valid, but they’re not yet online.

Transfert_DOI_PollutionAtmospherique_Crossref.txt (62,8 Ko)


Hello @MaximeBUSHS ,

Thanks for providing this file. Unfortunately, the header is not formatted correctly.

The header should read:


If you can modify the header to match what I have posted above, then you may follow the instructions below to submit these URLs for update yourself.

Full documentation on updating your resolution URLs is also available here:

If you have a long list of URLs that need updating (for example, you’ve just finished a platform migration, or you’ve acquired a new title), like your example, you can do a bulk resolution URL update. Create a tab-separated list (formatted as a text (.txt) file) of DOIs and their new URLs, and apply the following header:


where is your email address and 10.xxxx is the owner prefix (this should be the prefix associated with the username you’ll be processing this request with) for the DOIs you’re updating.

Only DOIs of the same owning prefix may be updated together using this header. For example, if you have DOIs against two owning prefixes, you’ll need to separate your submissions and use the appropriate 10.xxxx prefix for each set of your DOIs.

This is what your tab-separated (not spaces) list should look like:


You can upload the file to the admin tool or use the upload tool. To use the admin tool, login and navigate to Submissions>Upload. Upload your file, choose Bulk URL Update as the Type, and click Upload.

If you have more than 3,000 URLs to update, you should break them into smaller files. The file upload size limit for this operation is 400 KB.

As for your final question:

What’s more, I’d like to know if I can upload this txt file a few days before our magazine site goes online (because I’il go on holiday before the production) ?

Your file contains 407 DOIs. It will take us about five minutes to process this update when it is successfully submitted to us. That means that, for instance, DOI 10.4267/pollution-atmospherique.997 will resolve to within 5 to ten minutes of you submitting this to our queue for processing. I wouldn’t update the URLs registered with us until those URLs (e.g., are live online and functioning for you).

Once we have successfully processed the URL update .txt file, we’ll send you an email to with the results of the submission.

Warm regards,

Thank you for your answer. I updated my .TXT file under your recommandations. Can you check it, please ?
V2-Transfert_DOI_PollutionAtmospherique_Crossref.txt (63,2 Ko)

Hello @MaximeBUSHS ,

Unfortunately, the header of your file is not yet correct. Also, there is some noise at the bottom of your file. I have corrected both. I also see unregistered DOIs in this file - e.g., DOI 10.4267/pollution-atmospherique.672). This method will not register unregistered DOIs. You’ll receive errors for those DOIs that are unregistered. In order to register those DOIs that have not yet been registered with us, we’ll need a full XML registration.

Warm regards,

V2-Transfert_DOI_PollutionAtmospherique_Crossref_corrected.txt (47.3 KB)


Thanks for your help.
But, it doesnt work.
I have this error :

First line must be a header containing email address and owning prefix in the following format:;fromPrefix=10.5555
at org.crossref.ds.metadata.TransferDoiSE.validateTransferType(
at org.crossref.ds.metadata.TransferDoiSE.processSubmission(
at org.crossref.ds.submissionprocessor.DataSubmissionProcessorThread.processSubmission(
at org.crossref.ds.submissionprocessor.DataSubmissionProcessorThread.execute(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

So I don’t understand how I have to solve the problem.
Then I do another try : I tried to change the header : FROM;fromPrefix=10.54563 TO;fromPrefix=10.4267. Without success.
I own the prefix 10.54563. Which is the prefix I will use in this bulk ?
This former 10.4267 is the result of a responsability transfer for this journal.

Besides, It’s written in your Documentation, that is possible to update URL from transferred title.

Where is the problem ?
May you help me please?

Hello @MaximeBUSHS ,

I’m so sorry. There was an error in the header I included with the file I uploaded in my previous message. I have corrected it there and will reattach it to this message, so you have a template you may use in the future.

I also submitted these URLs for update with submission

The resolution URLs of all 406 DOIs in that submission have now been updated.

URL_update_10.54563.txt (46.8 KB)

Thank you for this informative post. I have followed the steps outlined here to update 5 resolution URLs. I uploaded our txt file 4 days ago, but only 2/5 URLs have been updated. Might you have an idea of how long this process usually takes? I appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you!

Hi @sdanssen

Thanks for checking in about this. I believe this relates to DOIs on the 10.61959 prefix? In which case three of those five deposits are failing because the file you uploaded includes special characters not present in the actual DOIs themselves, and our system won’t update metadata for a DOI that has never been deposited with us in the first place.

As you can see, the three failing DOI updates include � in the DOI string. Please try resubmitting the upload for those three DOIs without this extra bit. Updates like these should take effect within a few minutes (i.e., if you resolve the DOI) and appear within our REST API within 24 hours.

If you have any other questions please let us know!


Thank you for the information. I did not include any special characters in this file. All 5 were formatted the same way.
I have also verified that there are no special characters in the file I uploaded.
Can you please advise?

Thank you!

PS - here is my file with the 3 that failed. I don’t see any special characters in it- they were formatted in the same sheet the way the 2 successful ones were. Thank you!
2024_09_update_Crossref resolution URL_Vanier Institute of the Family.txt (460 Bytes)

Hi Serena,

Thanks for following up. You may not have intended to include special characters in your original upload, but they did appear there, as you can see from the .txt file that we processed:

And, from the submission log: You can see that we processed this submission in eight seconds. We also sent a copy of that submission log with the results to the email address included in the header of the text file you sent us.

Sometimes these special characters errors can be the result of copying and pasting from a rich-text editor, like Microsoft Word. This is why we always recommend using plain-text editors when preparing files that you send to Crossref.

I have removed the special characters from your text file:

And, resubmitted your URL updates. Those were processed successfully in a few seconds as you can see below.

Your remaining three DOIs should now be resolving to the updated URLs. If they are not, please do clear your cache and refresh the DOI link (e.g.,

Warm regards,

Hello Isaac,

Thank you so much for resolving it and explaining it in this way!
I had created the file from a .csv Excel document to a .txt file. This is why I did not understand where the extra characters came from, as I hadn’t prepared the file in a rich text editor. Perhaps this is also an issue with .csv files? If so, next time, I will try to prepare it directly in the .txt file.

Thank you again, I appreciate your support!


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Very happy to read this, Serena. I suspect that the issue was with Excel.
