Guide on how to update resource resolution URL

Hi @jgmorse ,

Thanks for posting here. We recently updated this process and opened URL updates to members. You may now update your own resource resolution URLs in bulk.

If you have a long list of URLs that need updating (for example, you’ve just finished a platform migration, or you’ve acquired a new title), you can do a bulk resource URL update. Create a tab-separated list (formatted as a text (.txt) file) of DOIs and their new URLs, and apply the following header:


where is your email address and 10.xxxx is the owner prefix for the DOIs you’re updating.

Only DOIs of the same owning prefix may be updated together using this header. For example, if you have DOIs against two owning prefixes, you’ll need to separate your submissions and use the appropriate 10.xxxx prefix for each set of your DOIs.

This is what your tab-separated list should look like:


You can upload the file to the admin tool or use the upload tool. To use the admin tool, login and navigate to Submissions>Upload. Upload your file, choose DOI change [Note: we have since updated this type to Bulk URL Update to better reflect the action being taken by our members] as the Type, and click Upload.

If you have more than 3,000 URLs to update, you should break them into smaller files. The file upload size limit for this operation is 400 KB.

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions,