Weird landing page for doi : 15340/978-625-00-9894-3_3

Hi ! While checking some DOIs from my zotero institution library i found this crossref DOI “10.15340/978-625-00-9894-3_3” with a weird landing page and not the actual publication.

I tought it could be useful to report it :slight_smile: !
Thanks !

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

This sort of thing happens on occasion when a journal or publisher ceases publication and their web domain’s registration expires. We’ve unfortunately seen pornography, online gambling, and other scam sites squat on these expired domains.

In this case, the publisher of 10.15340/978-625-00-9894-3_3 - Macroworld - is no longer a Crossref member. Their membership was revoked in 2023 due to unpaid past-due invoices. So, they can’t update the resolution URLs for the DOIs they registered on their own, but if they can provide us with a list of the new URLs, we can update them on their behalf. I’ll reach out to our contacts there to see if they can provide that information.

And, if that’s not possible, we’ll do our best to find some sensible landing pages for their DOIs to resolve to.

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Hello Sir! How can I get the DOI for Journal of Education Innovation and Language Teaching (JEILT Journal)?

If your organization is not yet a member of Crossref, please read over the membership information on our website, and select one of the options at the bottom of the page to submit an application.

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