Update CrossRef DOI

Hello Crossref support
I have a magazine in OJS hosted on a Faculty server and it already has its own DOI
Now the university asks us to migrate to its OJS platform and asks for the DOI update, my question is how can I update the numbers already published in the previous DOI to the new DOI and both are current

Thank you

Hi @lgutierrezc. Welcome to the Crossref community forum! Thanks for posting.

DOIs are intended to be unique - that is one DOI per content item. If we (you) follow that rule, it prevents multiple DOIs from being out in the world. Those duplicate DOIs create: a) manual work for you and me (Crossref); b) compounded content registration fees for our members who are registering these duplicate DOIs; and c) most importantly, citation splitting for those duplicate DOIs (e.g., when DOI A is cited by researcher A and DOI B is cited by researcher B). Said another way, having two separate DOIs for the same content means researchers won’t know which one to cite, and this risks splitting your citation count.

So, the idea of a new DOI for the content should be avoided. You can update the metadata that has been registered for this DOI so that it is current, but you should not publish or register a secondary DOI for the same content item.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Kind regards,


To update or correct the metadata deposited for a DOI you will need to redeposit the DOI with the correct metadata included. Be sure to include all available metadata when redepositing, as the metadata recorded in our system will be overwritten by the new deposit.

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Hello @ifarley
Thank you very much for the reply.
I comment that this is to use a single DOI because this institution is standardizing this aspect to work with a single DOI.


Thanks for clarifying, Luis. Is there an issue with using the single DOI that has already been registered with us for this content?

no problem, it was just the query I was making

Okay, great. Glad I could help.

Have a lovely day,