Retrieving Authors and their affiliations for a specific DOI

I’m trying to retrieve Authors and their affiliations by using the API for a specific DOI.

In the JSON response I got this:

 [author] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [given] => g1
                    [family] => f1
                    [sequence] => first
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [1] => Array
                    [name] => aff1
                    [sequence] => first
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [2] => Array
                    [given] => g2
                    [family] => f2
                    [sequence] => additional
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [3] => Array
                    [given] => g3
                    [family] => b3
                    [sequence] => additional
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [4] => Array
                    [name] => aff2
                    [sequence] => additional
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [5] => Array
                    [name] => aff3
                    [sequence] => additional
                    [affiliation] => Array


            [6] => Array
                    [name] => aff4
                    [sequence] => additional
                    [affiliation] => Array



Data for this DOI was added via webdeposit form and in the received XML the code was:

					<organization sequence='first'
					<person_name sequence='first'
					<person_name sequence='additional'
					<organization sequence='additional'
					<person_name sequence='additional'
					<organization sequence='additional'
					<organization sequence='additional'

How can I match the authors with their affiliations?
Am I missing something?

In another topic I saw a print screen with the affiliation displayed in the right position, as an array of author child.

Thank you,

Hi George,

Thanks for your question.

As a first point, please never submit fake or placeholder metadata for the purpose of testing. You should only ever submit accurate metadata for actual DOIs that you’ve assigned to real publications.

If you need to test your metadata submissions, we have a test system for that. It won’t output to the REST API, but there’s an test version of the XML API that will work for testing purposes.

As far as the affiliations, the Web Deposit From does not support affiliation metadata at this time. It looks like you’ve mistaken the “Organization” author field for an affiliation field.

Our metadata schema allows two kinds of authors: people and organizations. The Organization field in the Web Deposit Form is for organizational authors, that is working groups, departments, or institutions of any sort who are themselves collectively credited with authorship. This is sometimes also called “corporate” authorship.

When you mistakenly put affiliation metadata into that Organization field, you’re in effect saying that each of those affiliated institutions is a co-author of the publication.

So, until we do support affiliations on the Web Deposit Form, or a subsequent manual metadata submission tool, please just omit them entirely from the metadata you submit to us, rather than mischaracterizing them as organizational/corporate authors.




The code above was redacted by me. In the actual code are accurate info from the real publication.

As for the “Organization” field you are right. I’ll talk with the people in charge to omit them from now on and correct this issue for the deposited one.

Thank you,

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Great, thank you for clarifying!