I have problem to submit new DOIs

I tested my connection with my server and doi.crossref and it is ok.

My user and password to submit XML automatic is ok.

But I cannot submit more DOIs.

This is the error:
{“status”:“error”,“message-type”:“route-not-found”,“message-version”:“1.0.0”,“message”:“Route not found”}

I can download XML with validation ok too.

How can I do it?

Best regards,

Hi @rinter ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum. How are you attempting to register this content with us? HTTPS POST? If so, are you following these instructions: XML deposit using HTTPS POST - Crossref ?


We have the same problem attempting to register with OJS system. Could you help us?

Hi @gbanzato ,

Thanks for your message. What kind of errors are you seeing in OJS? Have you set up the Crossref XML plugin for OJS using these instructions:

You can set up the plugin to work in one of two ways:

  1. Register your content with us automatically using the OJS plugin
  2. Have the plugin create an XML file that you can then upload to our admin tool.

Setting up the plugin and credentials

If you plan to set up the plugin to register content with Crossref automatically, you’ll need to add your Crossref account credentials into the username and password field in the plugin.

  1. Depositor name - Name of the organization registering the DOIs (note: this field is not authenticated with Crossref)
  2. Depositor email - email address of the individual responsible for registering content with Crossref (note: this field is not authenticated with Crossref)
  3. Username - the Crossref username that will be passed to us to authenticate your submission(s). This might also be an email address - more on role versus user credentials below.
  4. Password - the password associated with your Crossref credentials

Note: if the combination of username and password is incorrect, OJS will return a 401 unauthorized status code error at the time of registration. This error indicates that the username and password are incorrectly entered. That is, they do not match the username and/or password set with Crossref.

  • If you are using organization-wide, shared role credentials, you can simply add in your shared username and password.
  • If you are using personal user credentials that are unique to you, you’ll need to add your email address and your role into the username field, and your personal password into the password field. Here’s an example of what this will look like:

Username: email@address.com/role
Password: your Password
