How to get a csv report of DOIs?

Hi there,

I am a publisher of 9 journals, and wondering how I can get a breakdown by journal along with the number of DOIs.

Is there any link for the publisher to check?

Hello @cyan ,

Many thanks for posting.

So you can access this information in a couple of ways, you can use the depositor report located here: : : depositor

You will see a list of members of Crossref, so you would need to find yourselves in the list, then clicking on your name will reveal a list of your journals and the number of DOIs against those journals. You can also access a list of the individual DOIs against the journals by clicking on the journal name.

You can also access the list via the REST API, using a query URL like the one below exchanging the prefix 10.5555 with your own.*&rows=0

As for getting a CSV report, that is a little more difficult as you would need to convert that yourself but I am trying to working on a tool to help our members out with that.

In the meantime I could get a CSV created for you with that information, as a one off and attach it here, I would need your prefix to get that information over to you.

I hope this helps.

Thank you,

Thanks, Paul, your information is very useful. I’m wondering if there is any way that the list is a monthly breakdown.

Thanks for the reply.

If you wanted a monthly breakdown then you could add some created date filters into the query URL for the REST API.


This query would return the details of content created/first registered in November 2023.

So you could adjust the months or time periods using this query to return that information.

I hope this helps.
Many thanks,