How do I get a DOI for my journal?

How do I get a DOI for my journal?
I have gone through the reading material but dont understand from where i can do it exactly? We are using direct deposit method.


Hello @ammarahameed. Welcome to the community forum, and thanks for your question.

I’m going to include some foundational information about DOI prefixes, suffixes, and content registration, and then I’ll provide step-by-step instructions for you to use our web deposit form to register a DOI for your journal.

DOI prefixes and suffixes
When you join as a Crossref member, we assign you a DOI prefix, and you decide your own suffix pattern. Learn more about the structure of a DOI.

Using the suffix pattern you have chosen, you create DOIs for your content, and register them and their associated metadata during content registration. We don’t provide your DOIs for you.

This advice applies to DOIs at all levels, whether at journal or book level (a title-level DOI), or volume, issue, article, or chapter level.

Tips for creating a DOI suffix

  • Be concise: Suffixes are best when they include short strings that are easily displayed and typed but are ‘dumb’ - meaning, the suffixes contains no readable information, including metadata.
  • Be unique: A suffix must be unique within your prefix.
  • Be case insensitive: A suffix is case insensitive, so 10.1006/abc is the same as 10.1006/ABC.
  • Only use approved characters: Your DOI suffix can be any alphanumeric string, using the approved characters “a-z”, “A-Z”, “0-9” and “-._;()/” You might see some older (pre-2008) DOIs which contain other characters.
  • Use a random approach: this ensures the DOIs are opaque or ‘dumb’ and minimizes attempts at interpretation or prediction (more on opaque suffixes below). Try our suggested DOI registration workflow, including our suffix generator. Any random generator will also work. Note, if you’re using the Crossref XML plugin for OJS, you don’t need to create your suffixes as the plugin will generate them for you automatically.

Using our web deposit form to register your journal-title-level DOI
Broadly speaking, assuming you’ve defined the suffix you will register with us and thus are ready to register a DOI for your journal, the steps to take to use the web deposit form are:

  1. Select the Journal data type
  2. Enter the Journal and Issue level metadata on the first page of the form. At minimum this includes: Journal title, abbreviated journal title, ISSN(s), and at least one publication year (print or online). If applicable, also enter issue number, volume number, and full publication dates.
    [Journal DOI and Issue DOI are optional. If you don’t wish to deposit Journal-level and Issue-level DOIs, simply leave these fields as well as Journal URL and Issue URL empty. Keep in mind that, if you do deposit a Journal DOI, it refers to the journal as a whole, and therefore cannot change in future deposits]
  3. Click ‘Submit Journal/Issue DOI’
  4. Enter your Crossref username and password, and your email address
  5. Click ‘Deposit’

We also have a web deposit form video tutorial and full instructions for using the web deposit form in our curriculum.

My best,

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Hi Ammara Hameed,

Welcome to the community.

Metadata Manager is the best and easiest tool for metadata deposit with more facilities.


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Hi @Anjum ,

Thanks for your message. Metadata Manager is an option, but in @ammarahameed’s case they have asked about registering a journal-title-level DOI. The web deposit form does allow a member to register a journal-title-level DOI without registering any accompanying journal-article-level DOIs.

Metadata Manager does not permit the registration of a journal-title-level DOI alone. Within Metadata Manager, the registration of a journal-title-level DOI is not permitted and does not occur until at least one journal-article-level DOI of that journal is registered with the journal-title-level DOI. Because of this, I have recommended using the web deposit form to register only the journal-title-level DOI.

My best,


Thanks for your response.

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Hello @ifarley,

I am about to register a new journal in webDeposit. If I understand the process correctly, the first step is to create a DOI for the journal (for example 10.5555/abc) at my workplace. Then, I will register the first issue of our Journal in webDeposit. In the Journal Form, I will fill out all the required information including DOI 10.5555/abc. Is that correct?
Also, I wanted to ask about the suffix generator - is it possible to enter whole journal DOI in the Prefix cell?

Regards, Barbora

Hello @BarboraBielikova,

Many thanks for your post.

You are correct with the creation of the journal DOI. If you want to you can add the whole journal DOI into the prefix box for the suffix generator but you can just use another DOI in the same format as the journal DOI, you do not need to have the journal DOI suffix in article DOIs.

Here is some further information on constructing your identifiers:

And more information on DOIs at different levels is in our documentation here: DOIs for different levels - Crossref

I hope this helps and if you have any further question or queries on this then please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Many thanks,


Hello @pdavis,
thank you for quick reply, it was very helpful!
Best regards, Barbora

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