Getting Started with Books at Crossref - webinar

Books are one of Crossref’s fastest growing content types and an excellent opportunity to improve the scholarly record for authors and increase discoverability of content.

Crossref has options to help register a variety of book types in different workflows so join us for a quick overview of why books are important to Crossref and how we can help you include yours.

The webinar will cover:

  • Reasons why you should register books with Crossref
  • Best practice for books
  • How to register book metadata

We’ll have plenty of time for questions and though the webinar will be in English, we’ll have support for questions in Spanish as well.

This webinar should be useful for book publishers, editors, production staff and anyone else interested in learning more about books and book metadata at Crossref.

Additional time zones:
New York, USA - 10:00 am EDT
San Francisco, USA - 7:00 am PDT
London, United Kingdom - 3:00 pm BST
Frankfurt, Germany - 4:00 pm CEST

Sign-up here:
We hope you can join us, please feel free to share the registration link with anyone you think would be interested in attending.

The webinar will be recorded and the slides and recording will be made available afterwards.

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Thanks to all those who joined the webinar and asked some great questions!
We now have the slides and recording available for anyone who missed it.

If you have any questions about registering book content at Crossref, then please do feel free to ask here.

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