Assistance for creating DOI


I am first time user of Crossref. I am currently the admin of my organization’s journal, under Institut Perakaunan Negara. I have managed to create the DOI for my journal (10.58458/ipnj), but somehow I have failed to create the DOI for each articles of this journal.

I have been submitting the details to create the DOI for these two manuscripts. It seems the registration are facing some errors and I receive failure notice at []. The failure message stated “Record not processed because submitted version: 20230110230547563 is less or equal to previously submitted version 20230110230547563”
“Record not processed because submitted version: 20230110224933719 is less or equal to previously submitted version 20230110224933719”

Need your assistance to solve these issues. The submission ID have been redundant for these two manuscripts.

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Hi @nurdiyanamusa ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum. You should only receive timestamp errors for DOIs that have previously been registered.

The error message ‘Record not processed because submitted version: ___ is less or equal to previously submitted version (DOI match)’ indicates that the timestamp in your deposit is numerically lower than the timestamp used in a previous deposit.

Every deposit has a value (called the timestamp), and that value needs to be incremented each time the DOI is updated. The timestamp errors do indicate that the DOI has been deposited, so if the metadata and URLs previously deposited for the DOIs are correct no further action is needed. You can find the most recent timestamp by reviewing your past deposit XML. Timestamps are also listed in the depositor reports available here: : : depositor

@eatoni, on our support team, wrote a community forum post about this in 2022. You can read it in its entirety here: Ticket of the month - August 2022 - Solving that timestamp error!

If you still believe you have DOIs that are not being registered, can you provide me with those DOIs so I may take a closer look?

Warm regards,