API limit output to certain sections


In searching the API documentation and community board, I don’t see that it’s possible to limit the fields returned by an API call. For example, in the following call, is it possible to only return the Funders portion?


If this is not possible, where would I suggest this as a feature?

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Hello, and thanks for your post.

The ‘select’ parameter allows you to limit the results to just certain fields, but not all fields are supported.

These are the arguments that ‘select’ can take:
abstract, URL, member, posted, score, created, degree, update-policy, short-title, license, ISSN, container-title, issued, update-to, issue, prefix, approved, indexed, article-number, clinical-trial-number, accepted, author, group-title, DOI, is-referenced-by-count, updated-by, event, chair, standards-body, original-title, funder, translator, published, archive, published-print, alternative-id, subject, subtitle, published-online, publisher-location, content-domain, reference, title, link, type, publisher, volume, references-count, ISBN, issn-type, assertion, deposited, page, content-created, short-container-title, relation, editor

So, as an example, this query will return 10 randomly sampled journal articles which have funding data, and return just the DOI and funder information.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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