It looks like there were a few XML file and submission log emails that were not sent out recently. The issue has been fixed and I have added some further details in case this happens again below.
I have been approved as a member of the community, but I don’t know how to register the journal in the DOI. I can’t find the way to pay the registration fee. If you can help me, thank you.
Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum. Are you a Crossref member? If so, what is your DOI prefix and/or Crossref username/role? If you are a member, you can follow these instructions to register your journal-article-level DOIs following these instructions using our web deposit form, which will help you build XML for our system:
Broadly speaking, assuming you have recently published a new issue of your journal and you want to register DOIs for all articles in the issue, the steps to take to use the web deposit form are:
Select the Journal data type
Enter the Journal and Issue level metadata on the first page of the form. At minimum this includes: Journal title, abbreviated journal title, ISSN(s), and at least one publication year (print or online). If applicable, also enter issue number, volume number, and full publication dates.
[Journal DOI and Issue DOI are optional. If you don’t wish to deposit Journal-level and Issue-level DOIs, simply leave these fields as well as Journal URL and Issue URL empty. Keep in mind that, if you do deposit a Journal DOI, it refers to the journal as a whole, and therefore cannot change in future deposits]
Select ‘Add Articles’
On the second page of the form, enter the metadata for your first article (article title, authors, page numbers if available), the article DOI, and article URL
Click ‘Add Another Article’
Continue to enter article metadata, DOIs, and URLs until you’ve entered all articles for the given issue.
Hello ifarley. The membership code was not sent. This is the problem, that’s why I can’t register the magazine. What is the process to get the membership code? Do I need to do anything? Thank you.
I’m not sure what a membership code is. I assume you mean that you don’t have a DOI prefix because you are not yet a member. If so, you can begin the application process here:
Hello @ifarley
Can you please tell us, if we completed the WebDeposit Form (Journal information), added the article details, and submitted the form using the Crossref username and password? Following submission, we received a confirmation email with an XML attachment.
Later, upon verifying the XML file data, if any mistakes were found in the name or other fields, we would either need to generate a new XML file by refilling the WebDeposit Form or edit the existing XML file directly.
Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum!
Can you please tell us, if we completed the WebDeposit Form (Journal information), added the article details, and submitted the form using the Crossref username and password? Following submission, we received a confirmation email with an XML attachment.
You should have also received a second email from that contains a submission log with the results of your submission. That log tells you if your submission passed all of other checks and whether or not your registration was successful. Did you receive that submission log. It looks like this:
If you did not receive that second email, it could indicate a problem with your account.
Later, upon verifying the XML file data, if any mistakes were found in the name or other fields, we would either need to generate a new XML file by refilling the WebDeposit Form or edit the existing XML file directly.
Yes, that’s correct. If you want to update or modify a DOI that you previously registered using the web deposit form, you’d need to either re-key the metadata into the web deposit form with the changes included in that resubmission or you could alter the XML file. If altering the XML file, you’ll need to be sure that in addition to the metadata updates you make in the XML file that you also increase the timestamp value, as described here.