Estou tentando importar o XML de vários artigos e está aparecendo um erro recorrente, conforme transcrito abaixo:
[Error] :49:19: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'doi_data'. One of '{"":abstract, "":publication_date}' is expected.
Se alguém puder me dar uma luz, eu agradeço
Hello @jefersonefqb ,
Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum! This error message is fairly generic and can be triggered for a number of different formatting errors. It means that the deposit failed because the XML file is not valid. Do you happen to have a submission ID from our system that was returned with the submission log? Or, can you provide me with the XML (either here or at With it I can review your XML and let know where the problem is.
If creating your own XML, I also recommend reviewing our sample XML files here:
My best,
@ifarley, muito obrigado pela prestatividade.
Anexei o XML; sabendo onde está falha em um artigo, fica mais fácil de arrumar nos demais.
crossref-20240404-120012-articles-32.xml (2,8,KB)
Grato pela rapidez e colaboração
Hello @jefersonefqb ,
The XML was missing a journal article title and publication date. I have added both (based on what I see on the article’s landing page) and am reattaching here:
crossref-20240404-120012-articles-32.xml (3.0 KB)
If the journal title and publication dates I have added to the XML look correct, go ahead and register this XML with us using our admin tool -
My best,