All DOI metadata is provided to us by our publisher members. It is those members’ responsibility to register accurate and rich metadata.
Since we’re not a part of our members’ publication processes, Crossref does not register, update, edit, or correct publisher-provided metadata directly.
But, sometimes our members make mistakes in the metadata that is registered with us. Maybe your an author and your name has been misspelled. Or, you’re a metadata user and you detect that a publisher member made a mistake with the page numbers registered in a metadata record. Mistakes can occur in all metadata elements: abstracts, affiliations, author names, funder names or IDs, ORCID iDs, publication dates, references, resolution URLs, etc.
Like you, we want the metadata records registered with Crossref to be rich AND accurate.
This category is meant to be a space where metadata users can report problems, and our publisher members can monitor for possible improvements.