How to use CrossRef to search for papers before 2022

How to use crossref to search for papers before 2022

I want to search for papers written before 22 years ago. I tried to use this method on the official website: leukemia from-index-date:1900 until-index-date:2000. But the results retrieved are future papers.

Methods tried:

  1. All the results of google search are websites that promote writing papers

  2. The results of AI’s reply cannot solve my purpose

So how should I use crossref to search for papers before 2022?

Finally, thank you very much to all the respondents

leukemia,Apr. 2011.

Hello @sinmu,

Many thanks for your post.

You would probably want to try published dates instead of index dates. The index dates can be vastly different from the time that the papers were actually written whereas the published date would be the earliest date in which the work was published.

Also with the API you are going to get a lot of results back when you are searching with strings as it will return all of the articles which have that in the bibliographic metadata.

This returns ~47k results so perhaps that is good for you or perhaps you would be looking to get even more specific in the query URLs, specifying content types as well.

Adding a title only search reduces the results to ~40k if that helps as well?

You can find out more information about our API here:

I hope this helps and if you have any further question or queries on this then please do not hesitate to reply on this thread.

Many thanks,